Thursday, 9 August 2012

Happy women's day....

Happy women's day to all the wonderful women, what would this world be without women?

I'm a woman ... I push doors that say pull. I laugh harder when I try to explain why I'm laughing, I walk into a room and forget why I was there, I lie to hide the pain, I cry a lot more than you think I do, I get attached to people who care, A broken nail is as painful as a broken heart, i fuss about anything and everything, if its not perfect its not done,when nail polish chips on my nails its a huge disaster, i collect shoes and create a closet just for them, i cant live without a fragrance and lip gloss to say the least, i put my mascara while sitting in traffic, I say it's a long story when it's really not, I fall in-love too hard too fast,and I always care more than I should..... Yes I'm a woman and I'm proud of it.


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